Finishing touches to fun

In entertainment business, restaurant experiences are taken seriously. In PowerPark, though, this seriousness means using personalized quality napkins as finishing touches to customer experience.

People come to enjoy themselves in amusement park PowerPark. They will get hungry sooner or later during a day of excitement. Luckily, the park’s restaurant world offers over ten locations where you can satisfy your hunger. A soft but sturdy napkin is placed in the hands and on the lips of hundreds or even occasionally thousands of lunch diners.

– We definitely wanted a personalized dinner napkin here at PowerPark. We use two different sizes. For our hotel restaurant’s table setting, a larger napkin is used, whereas a smaller napkin that is easily carried is used in events and at Boulevard Bistro, says Pasi Isoniemi, Food Services Manager of Huvivaltio PowerPark.

The amusement park of PowerPark is grand in size, and the desired characteristics of napkins vary between restaurants based on their size and character.

– Naturally the most important thing is that it is pleasant to use for wiping the corners of the mouth, and that its absorbency matches the napkin’s purpose of use.

A strong support for company image

Isoniemi sees that restaurant customers are more and more interested in environment and sustainability. PowerPark aims to answer to this call by making responsible choices.

– The consumption is optimal when using Fiblon’s napkins. When the product has a good absorbency, one napkin is enough. So the amount of waste is also reduced, he says.

Isoniemi considers logo-printed dinner napkins one of the most useful marketing tools for restaurant world. “Even though we are a special and memorable place as is”, a personalized napkin leaves a mark in customer’s memory about PowerPark. A recognisable napkin with high quality reinforces the customer’s pleasurable dining or coffee drinking experience.

– Not only does a well-chosen napkin raise the level of customer experience, but it also improves brand image, Isoniemi says.


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Apix Messaging Oy





Mikäli ette pysty lähettämään verkkolaskuja, pyydämme Teitä lähettämään jatkossa paperiset laskut ostolaskujen skannauspalveluun osoitteeseen:

Oy Fiblon Ab (Apix skannauspalvelu)
PL 16112

Jotta skannauspalvelu voi kohdistaa laskunne, tulee tämä laskutusosoite tulostaa myös itse laskuun eikä pelkästään kirjekuoreen. Pyydämme Teitä myös huomioimaan, että tähän laskutusosoitteeseen ei saa lähettää muuta materiaalia kuin laskuja eli esimerkiksi tiedotusten ja markkinointimateriaalin postiosoite pysyy ennallaan.

Fiblon Oy:n sähköpostiskannauksen osoite:

Lisätietoja laskutuksesta antaa: Sini Huhtasalo, puh. 0400 943 941


We hope that you will send your invoices primarily as an e-invoice. E-invoicing is faster, more reliable and cheaper than handling printed invoices for both the sender and the receiver.


Apix Messaging Oy

E-invoicing address


Edi code


If you are unable to send e-invoices, from now on please send any paper invoices to the purchase invoice scanning service at the following address:

Oy Fiblon Ab (Apix scanning services)
PL 16112

In order for the scanning service to direct your invoice correctly, this invoicing address should also be printed on the invoice itself, and not only on the envelope. Please note that no other material apart from invoices should be sent to this invoicing address. The mailing address for newsletters and marketing material will remain the same as earlier.

Fiblon Oy’s address for email scanning:


Further details from Maiju Kärki, tel. +358 20 123 6664