
Convey a message and strengthen your brand

Rise above your competition!

Show your company’s unique visual identity. Personalized products tell the story of your brand and highlight its visual image. Personalized products are an excellent marketing medium.

Why is personalization worth it?

Kaavio personoinnin hyödyistä

1. Natural resources

The right product in the right use ensures that natural resources are used wisely. Local production ensures a transparent chain and reduces the carbon footprint. Our products are mainly biodegradable.

2. Cost effectiveness

Optimum usage keeps costs and waste under control. A well-designed product takes into account versatile usage needs. A cloth is an unused place to communicate, it can even become its own media.

3. Personalization

Personalized products raise the visibility of the brand and leave a lasting impression on the customer. It becomes easier to stand out from competitors and the desired message reaches the customer’s lips. Personalized napkins mark the portion photos as the brand’s own on social media.

4. Additional sales

Attractive presentation facilitates additional sales. Sales messages in cloth promote marketing.

5. Experientiality

The experience business is booming. Experientiality comes from small details, and visuality is one of its important aspects. Colors, shapes and surprises are easily created in tableware.

A competitive advantage from personalization

Yes they are. They improve the visibility of your brand and leave a lasting impression on your customer. They distinguish you from your competitors and get your message across to the customer.

A napkin in a restaurant or a headrest cover on a seat are excellent places for your messages and an efficient way to stand out. The products can be designed to fit in with the brand’s visual identity or to support a campaign.

When the personalization is performed by professionals, it is not expensive. Sending your message using an item that would be used anyway, is an environmentally responsible choice. And in addition to gaining visibility, you also create savings!

Not necessarily. We are able to produce smaller quantities, too. Our new logistics solutions help us avoid massive delivery quantities and long storage periods. We are happy to tell you more about them!

Working by your side, we will design a unique solution that highlights your brand’s strengths and is only limited by imagination. The designer must know the products thoroughly, and that is why we recommend that you use our professionals. We are the only manufacturer in the Nordic region focusing on products for professional use. We know our products, their strengths and their limitations. In addition to visual design, we can also provide you with practical tips. We are also familiar with all the latest developments and trends. We want to support our customers in all this. Enjoy our know-how!

All of the products in our product range can be modified to meet your specific needs.

It may well be possible – or then not. We are familiar with the challenges of your industry, and that’s why we have created dedicated selections of products for various industries – the new Softlin products are tailor-made for each industry. The challenges faced by a restaurant are different from those faced by a hotel or a café. That is why we have developed dedicated product lines for each industry.

In spring 2015, we commissioned a customer survey. Our customers said they wished we had an even deeper knowledge of their industries and could provide them with even better support on their road to success. We rose to the challenge.

Customer stories

Read our customers' experiences.

For our customers, cloths are an important service tool.



Are you interested?

Send your contact information here and we will get in touch.

Ota yhteyttä


Toivomme, että lähetätte laskunne ensisijaisesti verkkolaskuina. Verkkolaskujen käsittely on sekä lähettäjälle että vastaanottajalle nopeampaa, luotettavampaa ja edullisempaa kuin paperilaskujen käsittely.


Apix Messaging Oy





Mikäli ette pysty lähettämään verkkolaskuja, pyydämme Teitä lähettämään jatkossa paperiset laskut ostolaskujen skannauspalveluun osoitteeseen:

Oy Fiblon Ab (Apix skannauspalvelu)
PL 16112

Jotta skannauspalvelu voi kohdistaa laskunne, tulee tämä laskutusosoite tulostaa myös itse laskuun eikä pelkästään kirjekuoreen. Pyydämme Teitä myös huomioimaan, että tähän laskutusosoitteeseen ei saa lähettää muuta materiaalia kuin laskuja eli esimerkiksi tiedotusten ja markkinointimateriaalin postiosoite pysyy ennallaan.

Fiblon Oy:n sähköpostiskannauksen osoite:

Lisätietoja laskutuksesta antaa: Sini Huhtasalo, puh. 0400 943 941

Contact us


We hope that you will send your invoices primarily as an e-invoice. E-invoicing is faster, more reliable and cheaper than handling printed invoices for both the sender and the receiver.


Apix Messaging Oy

E-invoicing address


Edi code


If you are unable to send e-invoices, from now on please send any paper invoices to the purchase invoice scanning service at the following address:

Oy Fiblon Ab (Apix scanning services)
PL 16112

In order for the scanning service to direct your invoice correctly, this invoicing address should also be printed on the invoice itself, and not only on the envelope. Please note that no other material apart from invoices should be sent to this invoicing address. The mailing address for newsletters and marketing material will remain the same as earlier.

Fiblon Oy’s address for email scanning:


Further details from Maiju Kärki, tel. +358 20 123 6664